Keys to kick off your songwriting! You might feel a little bit overwhelmed and lost. You might not know where to start.
Some people find it easier to start with just the melody, others with the lyrics or even a chord progression. The important step is to start and to understand which ways are easier for you.
1. Always carry a notebook
Words are important and you want to remember them. If you are talking to a friend and somewhere in the conversation a phrase catches your attention, write it down. This can trigger a lot of creativity afterwards and encourage you to write a complete verse in a matter of seconds. Inspiration is key to be able to relate and be true to your own thoughts and emotions. Perhaps you listen to a phrase at work, write it down. Maybe you are watching a movie and the main character says an important phrase, write it down. It will always comes in handy afterwards.
2. Use the recorder in your mobile phone
Sometimes melodies come in strange ways and out of the blue. Grab your cell phone and record them. If you are the type of person who constantly sings in the shower, don’t forget to take your phone to the bathroom. Feeling relaxed and happy is key for creativity.
3. Use the instrumental of a song you like as inspiration
Choose an instrumental you feel comfortable singing on top of and use it to trigger your melodic ideas. Start humming on top of it. Afterwards identify the chord progression, and use the same one, or change it to another key. You can even just use it for the melodic ideas and then change the whole structure to give it a more authentic touch.
4. Study the songs you like
How many parts does the song have? What does the melody do? What is the chord progression? Does it modulate to another key? Does it have a hook? What is the story of the song? Are the lyrics repetitive? Identify the key elements and then try to use them on your own ideas.
5. Take inspiration from stories you already know
There are lots of songs that are based on known movies or books. Take for example Tin Man from America. The song is inspired by The Wizard of Oz. Or White Rabbit from Jefferson Airplane, inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
6. Brainstorming always helps
If you are creatively stuck, write down ideas regarding the song. Start by writing words. It doesn't matter if they are not connected, this will help you create the story. Once you have a buch of them, try to connect them and write down sentences. Then try to sing those phrases. If there's a melody you like, record it. And start introducing chords, play with it until you are happy with the ideas you have.
7. Collaborate with other songwriters
Collaborate with other songwriters. If you feel your song is incomplete or it’s missing a part. It’s always better to find other songwriters that can help you polish your ideas. Maybe you just have the melody and are not sure towards the chord progression, find a composer that can help you find the right chords.
8. Try starting your song in different ways
If you are already writing some songs and you have one way of doing it, try a different one. For example, you might be comfortable starting with the melody, try starting with the lyrics instead, or just the rhythm.
9. Pay attention to the rhythm
Rhythm is key. Choose a rhythm pattern and try to sing a melody with it. Then add the words.
10. Try your songs in public
Whether you are playing your song to a friend or in a stage, try to identify if it is good. Pay attention to the the listener's reaction. If the person listening to it knows you, ask for a critical opinion. And, if there’s anything you need to change, do so.